1.In his autobiography titled, “ WINGS OF FIRE”, Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, has made a reference which can be shared with the readers.
For high school he moved from Rameshwaram to Ramnathpuram.
His teacher there one Solomon told him “to succeed in life one has to desire his expectation intensely and be absolutely certain it would happen”. Dr. Kalam wanted and desired intensely to fly like bird; and he did fly one day.
2. Every religion in the world has emphasized the importance of PRAYER. Over decades people have offered prayers. They have expressed that the prayer has been answered. It is the faith that is most important.
3. The half opened Lotus size ( signifying purity and peace), majestic BAHAI temple in Delhi is a masterpiece of architecture. BAHAIS believe that all humanity was created by one God. The purpose of life is to know and to worship God. Temple’s huge but soothingly quiet hall and tranquil surroundings touch the hearts of people from all communities. In this temple, there is no idol inside; instead people are welcome to sit in the huge hall in calm and serene atmosphere and offer their prayers.
4. In his book titled “POWER OF SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND” Dr Joseph Murphy says there is a treasure house within everybody. He adds: “your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body and knows the answers to all problems “ In initial pages author has given two examples; a young lady wanted an expensive purse. She got it somehow. Another example is of a widow of age 75; she wanted a nice husband to give her cosy company. After twenty days she met a person who was also looking for company. Author elaborates how to instruct the sub-conscious mind more systematically to achieve a desired result.
5. Upanishads and Bhagvat Gita recognise Bramhan as ultimate Reality. Further, our soul is a part of that Almighty. The Minuscule Ultimate Realty is actually within us and not outside.
6. A programme is conducted by “ BRAMHA VIDYA SADHAK SANGH”. They believe that most religions teach that there is spark of Divine in every human being. Brahmavidya course helps to realize this and to use Supreme Intelligence within in a practical way. This is done through various breathing exercises, positive thinking during those exercises and Meditation. Emphasis being on correct breathing. Many people have benefited by attending this programme.
7. Patanjali emphasises Self Realisation through Yogasanas. He has recommended eight steps to self Realisation : YAM, NIYAM, ASAN, PRANAYAM, PRATYAHAR, DHARANA, DHYAN and SAMADHI.
8. Ancients have expressed that there is COSMIC energy lying in dormant state in our body, called KUNDALINI. Ultimate goal of KUNDALINI YOGA is to awaken this COSMIC energy coiled at the level of navel and make it rise upwards through six chakras and finally unite with Pure Consciousness.
9. PRAJAPATI BRAMHAKUMARI GROUP talks about existence of Soul in our brain. They have proved this by giving references of surgical experiments. They then further talk about Relaxation and Raja Yoga.
So many different faiths seem to have same one core principle .With different names and with different methods. Can we call this principle as DYNAMO within us?
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